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Myboshi: The most colourful range in the craft world

The yarn brand Myboshi has established a place in the hearts of craft lovers by offering a diverse range of quality yarns. The German-based brand is not only known for the excellent quality of its yarns but also for its vibrant and captivating colour palette. Myboshi yarns are inspired by the Japanese art of knitting and crocheting, bringing a modern approach to traditional craftsmanship.

New Princeton Catalyst tools

Princeton Catalyst tools are much more than a painting tool. Crafted from flexible silicone or hard nylon to allow artists a new form of expression. Now available in Skizze!

New Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye colours

Recently, we pleased all of the textile friends with news that the range of Marabu Fashion textile colours, introduced last summer, has received addition, including now paints with a sparkling effect, which allow You to decorate also darker fabrics.

New web page!

We are glad to announce that our new web page is now online!

On workshops and courses

Presentations The main goal of presentations is to let the participants get acquainted with new products, remember the old ones and share the new ideas in using the various handicraft and art products. Presentations provide abundant information about the qualities and using of products as well as let you try out the materials. Unlike the courses, here objects are not prepared or finished nor the techniques explored more thoroughly. Presentations in the studio are normally free of charge. Workshops Workshops are open to all the guests and have a clear topic. In workshops you can explore interesting materials or new techniques. You can also create a present for a friend, spend a great weekend with a family or just relax on your own. Handicraft workshops teach you to design the environment around us with handy means from your home – starting from the home decorations to jewellery, accessories, birdhouses and dollhouses. Usually, workshops take place at least every weekend, on Saturday. Workshops are for a fee. Advanced courses Advanced courses are provided by professionals and artists of given field. These are courses for exploring the techniques and in-depth studying of the history and uses of a specific material, for discussing … Continued

Our people

Wholesale Marketing Retail Purchase Warehouse

Pehme linooltrükk ja tekstiili värvimine Marabu Textil Print ja Aquarelle värvidega

Reljeeftrükkimine on trükiprotsess motiivide trükkimiseks kangastele ilma, et oleks vaja kasutada palju seadmeid. Kummist trükiplaadi lõikamine on imelihtne. Motiiv lõigatakse plaadi sisse ja seda saab seejärel reprodutseerida. Vaja on vaid pehmet trükiplaati, nikerdamise nuga, vahtkummist rulli ja trükivärvi. Fikseerimise järel saab trükitud motiivid värvida Marabu Textil Aquarelle tekstiilivärvidega.

Pihlakamoos betooni rüpes

Sügisene moosiuputus võib tabada ootamatult. Et mitte mattuda keedisekuhjade alla, on tark need koheselt ka kasutusele võtta. Mis saaks olla veel parem, kui kanda värskes õhus toimuval külluslikul õhtusöögil värske džemm lauale jaheda betooni süles, mis hoiab sellele asetatud juuste ka täpselt parajal temperatuuril!

Privacy Policy

The controller of the personal data of the online shop is AS Vunder (registry code 10324324), located at Pirni 7, Tallinn, phone +372 65 64 003 and email What personal data are processed name, phone number and email address; delivery address; bank account number; cost of goods and services and data related to payments (purchase history); customer support data. Why personal data are processed Personal data are used to manage the customer’s orders and deliver goods. Purchase history details (date of purchase, goods, quantity, customer’s data) are used for preparing summaries of goods and services purchased and for analysing customer preferences. The bank account number is used to reimburse payments to the customer. Personal data such as email, phone number and the customer’s name are processed to handle any issues relating to the provision of goods and services (customer support). The IP address or other web identifiers of a user of the online shop are processed for the provision of the online shop as an information society service and for web use statistics. Legal grounds Personal data are processed for the purpose of performing a contract concluded with the customer. Personal data are processed for performing legal obligations (such as … Continued

Romantic and Progressive.

In the Kumu exhibition spaces is exhibition “Romantic and Progressive. Stalinist Impressionism in Painting of the Baltic States in the 1940s−1950s”.

Šabloonitehnika Marabu alkoholitindiga

Alkoholitintidega muutub šabloonidega töötamine põnevaks väljakutseks, mis pakub uudseid ja ainulaadseid tulemusi! Erilises šabloontehnikas saad luua väga paeluva ja mitmekihilise tausta, mis annab silmapaistva aktsendi su teosele ning erksad värvid muudavad tintidega saavutatud loomingu eriti säravaks.

Siiditrükk tekstiilile Marabu Textil Print värviga

Siiditrükk on trükkimise meetod, milles trükivärv surutakse spaatliga läbi raamil oleva peenekoelise kanga trükitava kanga peale. Need kohad, kuhu värvi ei ole vaja trükkida, muudetakse raamil värvile läbitungimatuks. Motiiv lõigatakse välja ja seda saab seejärel reprodutseerida. Paberšablooni kasutamine on iseäranis mugav töömeetod. Vaja on vaid raami, šablooni, nuga, veidi teipi, spaatlit ja Marabu Textil Print trükivärvi.

Skizze shop now also in Vilnius

Skizze shop can now be found also in Vilnius. The shop that was opened on August 22 is the fourth Skizze shop in the Baltic states.