Watercolour is a beautiful and versatile medium that allows artists to create stunning works of art. Choosing the right brushes is one of the key elements in creating a watercolour painting. The type and quality of brushes you use can significantly impact your ability to achieve the desired effects and textures in your artwork. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of brushes best suited to watercolour painting, and provide guidance on choosing the right brushes for your artistic needs.
Watercolour paint
Watercolour 101: What do I need to start watercolour painting?
Welcome to the fascinating world of watercolour painting! If you feel that watercolour painting is calling you, but need help figuring out where to start, then this post is for you. In this guide, we’ll focus on the essential supplies you’ll need to help you assemble your perfect watercolour kit to make painting smooth and enjoyable.
Winsor&Newton Professional watercolours: Creative mastery
Watercolour painting has long been prized for its ethereal beauty and enchanting charm. With the right tools, artists can create stunning masterpieces that evoke emotion and tell stories with every stroke of the brush. Among watercolour brands, one name stands out as a beacon of excellence and innovation: Winsor&Newton Professional Watercolours.
Watercolor vs gouache: Comparing water-based painting mediums
The art world is full of diversity in terms of different painting techniques and mediums. Two such popular water-based painting mediums are watercolors and gouache paints. Both of these paints allow artists to create stunning works of art, but which one best suits your creative vision? In this post, we take a closer look at watercolors and gouache paints and the differences between them.
3 watercolour additives you need to know
The charm of watercolours lies in their vivid and fluid expression, but did you know you can take even more control over your watercolour work by using different watercolour mediums? These mediums allow you to create exciting effects and control the fluidity of the colours, opening up new possibilities for your artwork.
Akvarellvärvid – 8 küsimust ja vastust
Akvarell (itaalia sõnast acquerello) on maalitehnika, mille puhul akvarellvärvid (vesivärvid) kantakse läbipaistvate või sulatatud kihtidena pinnale. Akvarellmaal võeti kaustusel ja täiustati suuresosas Inglismaal. 1832. aasatal alustasid William Winsor ja Henry Newton akvarellnööpide tootmist. Tuubi akvarellvärvid kunstnikele võeti kasutusele 1842. aastal, erilise populaarsuse saavutas akvarellmaal 20. sajandi algul.