Acrylic paint

Liquitex Basics Fluid: the acrylic paint that gets ideas flowing

The art world offers us endless opportunities for self-expression and creative exploration. One of the most versatile and easiest-to-use mediums available to beginners and experienced artists alike, acrylic paints are the perfect medium to explore the world of art and creativity. One of the undisputed leaders in the world of acrylic paints, however, has come up with something new – an everyday acrylic colour with a fluid, flowing consistency, Liquitex Basics Fluid!

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Art and eco-friendliness: Liquitex recycled canvas on frame

Art has always been a way of expressing oneself and sharing one’s world with others. In recent decades, there has also been a growing focus on the imprint we leave on the world through our creations. Environmental awareness and sustainability have become major themes in the art world, and artists are constantly looking for ways to express their creativity while adhering to responsible practices.

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Akrüülvärvi ajalugu

Kunstimaterjalide pikas ajaloos on akrüülvärvid suhteliselt uus nähtus. Õlivärvid pärinevad viieteistkümnendast sajandist. Tempera ja vahavärv on pärit tuhandete aastate tagant. Ja muistsete visionääride poolt arendatud vesivärvi kasutatakse tänapäevalgi sisuliselt algsel kujul: pigmendi (muldvärv), kandeaine (varaseimas kunstis sülg) ja sideaine (eelajaloolise looma rasv) kombinatsioon.

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