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1-2-3 ehk kuidas anda hetkega uus ilme vanadele kuusehetele
Kohe-kohe on aeg jõulehted välja otsida ja taas kuusepuule riputada. Aastate jooksul on kindlasti kogunenud erinevaid kuulikesi ja vidinaid kõik võimalikes värvides. Siit mõned nipid, kuidas saavutada lihtsate ja kiirete võtetega mõnusalt harmoneeruvad kuuseheted.

12 põhjust, miks Daylight LEDid on valgustuse tulevik ja sinule head
Daylight LED valgustid pakuvad silmadele mugavat ja tervisliku päevavalgust ning võimaldavad värvide täpset nägemist, mis on värvide kokkusobitamisel ülioluline. Kõrge efektiivsusega valgusallikad on madala voolutarvega ja süttivad koheselt, mis teeb nendest suurepärase valiku nii erinevateks hobideks kui ka igapäevasteks tegemisteks. Siit 12 põhjust, miks on Daylight LED valgustus sulle hea.

3 watercolour additives you need to know
The charm of watercolours lies in their vivid and fluid expression, but did you know you can take even more control over your watercolour work by using different watercolour mediums? These mediums allow you to create exciting effects and control the fluidity of the colours, opening up new possibilities for your artwork.

5 olulist akrüülmaali terminit
Kaunite kunstide maailmas on väga palju spetsiifilisi termineid – see on nagu omaette keel. Sa ei pea neist kõigist aru saama, kuid neid on kasulik teada. Järgnevalt on neist 5 peamist ära seletatud.

5th Tallinn International Drawing Triennial Black and White
The 5th Tallinn International Drawing Triennial Black and White exhibits drawings from around the world made during the last three years. The exhibition will be open at the Tallinn Art Hall until 27 September 2015.

6+2 ideed washi teipidega jõulutunde loomiseks
Jõulumeeleolu loomiseks koju või kontorisse on eriti lihtne teha erinevaid kaunistusi ja dekoratsioone washi teipidega.

9 näpunäidet Derwent Inktense pliiatsite ja kriitide kasutamiseks
Kunstnik Tony Hogan’i annab 9 praktilisit nõuannet Derwent Inktense pliiatsite ja kriitide kasutamiseks ja huvitavate efektide saavutamiseks.

9 põhjust Daylight valgustite kasutamiseks
Tavaline päevavalgus on silmadele tervislikeim ja mugavaim valgus. Päevavalguse simulatsiooni efekt võib aidata tuhandeid inimesi, kes vajavad igapäevasteks tegemisteks naturaalset valgust – eriti inimesed, kelle hobid on detailsed ja nõuavad värvide kokkusobitamist. Siit 9 põhjust, miks peaks kasutama Daylight päevavalgusega valgusteid.

9+ pakkimise ideed ehk kingipakkimise kiirabi
Ja ongi viimane nädal enne jõule käes. Kingid vaja kiiresti pakitud saada ja jõuluvana kotti toimetada. Siit mõned näpunäited kuidas lihtsate vahenditega efektseid ja veidi teistmoodi pakendeid teha.
About us
AS Vunder is 100% Estonian-owned family company, established in 1991 and operating in the import and sale of art, school, office, stationery and inner decoration products in the Baltic states. We are a reliable partner in solving your creative problems, offering the widest range of art supplies in the Baltic states. We have products for every age and interest group from professionals to enthusiasts. Our range of goods includes high-quality tools for specialists as well as for people interested in art and handicraft or just needing everyday school equipment and office supplies. We provide products by many world-famous brands, characterized by quality and decades or centuries-long experience. For example, artists can find in our range the products by Liquitex, Winsor&Newton, Lefranc Bourgeois, which are the brands of ColArt group, the world’s biggest supplier of artists’ materials. Also, we provide Raphael paintbrushes, Sennelier pigments and painting materials, Canson paper products, Derwent pencils and equipment by many other acknowledged brands. For enthusiasts we have the colours by the biggest hobby colour manufacturer Marabu. For schoolchildren we offer goods by Maped, known to delight with its innovation and quality. Your everyday writing instrument can be selected form the products of leading manufacturers Pilot … Continued

Airplac foam board: The perfect partner in creativity
In the world of arts, crafts and presentations, finding the right material to bring your vision to life is essential. Airplac foam board is a versatile and innovative solution that gives artists, designers, architects and hobbyists a more versatile approach to their projects. Whether you’re a professional designer or an avid DIY enthusiast, understanding the unique benefits of Airplac foam board can help take your work to the next level.

Akrüülvärvi ajalugu
Kunstimaterjalide pikas ajaloos on akrüülvärvid suhteliselt uus nähtus. Õlivärvid pärinevad viieteistkümnendast sajandist. Tempera ja vahavärv on pärit tuhandete aastate tagant. Ja muistsete visionääride poolt arendatud vesivärvi kasutatakse tänapäevalgi sisuliselt algsel kujul: pigmendi (muldvärv), kandeaine (varaseimas kunstis sülg) ja sideaine (eelajaloolise looma rasv) kombinatsioon.

Akrüülvärvi omadused
Selleks, et saavutada maalides parim tulemus, tuleb oma värve läbi ja lõhki tunda. Töötulemus ja –meetod sõltub värvi omadusest. Millised on akrüülvärvi põhiomadused?

Akrüülvärvi puhastamine
Kõik, kes on kord pintslit käes hoidnud, teavad, et maalimine on üks „messy“ töö. Värvi jagub nii maalialusele, pintslitesse, kätele kui ka riietele. Aga kuidas siis end ja töövahendeid pärast puhtaks saada? Siit mõned näpunäited akrüülvärvide kasutajale.

Akvarellmaal tekstiilil Marabu Texil Aquarelle värvidega
Akvarell tekstiilil on tehnika, millega läbipaistvad tekstiiliakvarellid lahjendatakse veega ja kantakse märja pintsli abil kangale. Kasutada võib kahte maalitehnikat – laseerimist ja pesemist. Märjalt-märjale maalimine („pesemine“) või maalimine kuivanud värvikihtide peale („laseerimine“), mõlemad tehnikad kasutavad ära vee omadusi. Vaja on Marabu Textil Aquarelle värvi, pintslit ja käsna.

Akvarellpaber – 6 küsimust ja vastust
Akvarell (itaalia sõnast acquerello) on maalitehnika, mille puhul akvarellvärvid (vesivärvid) kantakse läbipaistvate või sulatatud kihtidena (nn kuiv kuivale või märg märjale tehnikas) pinnale. Akvarellmaal nõuab eelnevat plaanimist ja detailide läbimõtlemist – kõik algab paberi valikust.

Akvarellvärvid – 8 küsimust ja vastust
Akvarell (itaalia sõnast acquerello) on maalitehnika, mille puhul akvarellvärvid (vesivärvid) kantakse läbipaistvate või sulatatud kihtidena pinnale. Akvarellmaal võeti kaustusel ja täiustati suuresosas Inglismaal. 1832. aasatal alustasid William Winsor ja Henry Newton akvarellnööpide tootmist. Tuubi akvarellvärvid kunstnikele võeti kasutusele 1842. aastal, erilise populaarsuse saavutas akvarellmaal 20. sajandi algul.

All-new Automoblox Originals wooden toy car series
With more than 10 years, millions of Automoblox cars are in the hands of children around the globe, in 2016, Automoblox introduces its first-ever overhaul of its flagship Automoblox Originals line with partnerships with Brembo and HRE Performance Wheels!

Ants Laikmaa. Vigala ja Capri
The Kumu Art Museum invites you to an exhibition of the creative legacy of an Estonian art classic: Ants Laikmaa.

Armsad lihavõttejäneste munad
Milline vahva väike seltskond jäneseid! Just sellised pisikesed lihavõttemunad võiksid kaunistada ka sinu kevadist kodu. Kvaliteetsete Marabu akrüülimarkeritega on selliste tegelaste loomine imelihtne ning sobilik igale vanusele. Proovi ka sina luua üks kuhi kevadisi lihavõttejäneseid!

Art 101: an in-depth introduction to graphite pencils
Graphite pencils are an essential tool in any artist’s toolkit, as well as a staple in school classrooms, offices and studios around the world. Graphite pencils offer versatility and precision from fine detail to detailed technical drawings. But what exactly makes a graphite pencil so unique? In this post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about graphite pencils, from their history and composition to their uses and types.

Art 101: An introduction to charcoal as a drawing medium
Charcoal has been a staple drawing medium for centuries, renowned for its rich tonal range, deep black tones and smooth mark-making capabilities. This simple tool can be used to create intricate details as well as lush shades that make works dynamic and expressive. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a beginner keen to explore different media, the versatility of charcoal can open up new creative possibilities.

Art and eco-friendliness: Liquitex recycled canvas on frame
Art has always been a way of expressing oneself and sharing one’s world with others. In recent decades, there has also been a growing focus on the imprint we leave on the world through our creations. Environmental awareness and sustainability have become major themes in the art world, and artists are constantly looking for ways to express their creativity while adhering to responsible practices.

Beautiful card with Airplac Core foam board
Delight your mother this Mother’s Day with a beautiful and unique card. With the foam board, you can print beautiful and original images without much effort.

Bright and warm Christmas card with Airplac foam board and gilding
Are you looking for a creative way to personalise your Christmas cards this year? By combining simple printmaking with beautiful gilding, you can create truly special cards.

Candle making 101: How to make your own candles at home?
Have you thought about making your own candles but don’t know where to start? Candlemaking is a creative and relaxing hobby that results in a beautiful and practical craft. In this blog post, we’ll outline everything you need to make sure you don’t miss out on casting your own candle.

Canvas 101: Everything you need to know before you paint
Choosing your canvas is one of the most important decisions you’ll make before you start painting. The canvas you choose can have a profound impact on your art process and the final piece. Every aspect of the canvas, from its fibre composition to its texture and weight, will affect how the paint adheres and behaves on the surface. With so many choices available, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. In this guide, we’ve broken down the basics of canvas, including material types, formats and surface characteristics to help you make an informed choice for your next masterpiece.

Children of the Flowers of Evil. Estonian Decadent Art
In modernising early-19th-century Europe, there was still an overall faith in a brighter future for the world, yet towards the end of the century that certainty began to crumble.

Christmas Fridge Magnets
Create original Christmas magnets by cutting out beautiful shapes from the modelling clay using cookie cutters. After drying, you can decorate the cut-outs with half-beads to your taste.

Concordia Klar and Peeter Ulas
The early drawings of the printmaker couple Concordia Klar (1938–2004) and Peeter Ulas (1934–2008) predicted the growing interest in Surrealism in Estonian art in the 1960s and 1970s.

Conductors of Colour. Music and Modernity in Estonian Art
From the first song festival through the Singing Revolution and beyond, music has played a fundamental role in Estonian history, culture and identity. But if every bird has its own song, as the Estonian saying goes, what of the artist?

Conflicts and Adaptations. Estonian Art of the Soviet Era (1940–1991)
This exhibition represents one possible approach to the Estonian art of the second half of the 20th century, when it was characterised mainly by conflicts with and adaptations to the new political order established after World War II.

Decoupage tehnika sinu töölaua hingestamiseks
Kui sinu hingeline sära ei kannata enam välja oma töölaua asjalikku hallust, siis siin on häid mõtteid, kuidas oma meele vabadust ja fantaasiaküllust ka töölaual välja näidata!