Oil painting is a versatile and fascinating art form that has captivated artists for centuries. Choosing the right brushes is one of the most important aspects of creating beautiful and expressive oil paintings. With so many brushes to choose from, selecting the best brushes for oil painting can be confusing. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore the different types of brushes used in oil painting and help you understand which ones are best suited to your artistic needs.
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Paintbrush 101: Choosing the perfect watercolour brush
Watercolour is a beautiful and versatile medium that allows artists to create stunning works of art. Choosing the right brushes is one of the key elements in creating a watercolour painting. The type and quality of brushes you use can significantly impact your ability to achieve the desired effects and textures in your artwork. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of brushes best suited to watercolour painting, and provide guidance on choosing the right brushes for your artistic needs.
Watercolour 101: What do I need to start watercolour painting?
Welcome to the fascinating world of watercolour painting! If you feel that watercolour painting is calling you, but need help figuring out where to start, then this post is for you. In this guide, we’ll focus on the essential supplies you’ll need to help you assemble your perfect watercolour kit to make painting smooth and enjoyable.
Beautiful card with Airplac Core foam board
Delight your mother this Mother’s Day with a beautiful and unique card. With the foam board, you can print beautiful and original images without much effort.
Gilding 101: How to make your artwork shine
Welcome to the enchanting world of gilding, where ordinary objects are transformed into glittering treasures. Whether you are an experienced artist or a beginner, gilding offers a wonderful opportunity to take the elegance and finish of your creations to a whole new level.
Special present: painting potholders and oven mitts
A special present can be simple, colourful and handy. With just a little help, children can decorate their own potholders and overn mitts. A practical gift that will bring a smile to your face.
Upcycling old Christmas baubles with Marabu Decor paints
They are lying dormant in many boxes: old Christmas baubles from years gone by. They’re no longer up to date, but too good to throw away. With a few brush strokes, the baubles get a new coat of paint in the trendy Christmas colour. Perfect for the latest Christmas decorations!
Christmas Fridge Magnets
Create original Christmas magnets by cutting out beautiful shapes from the modelling clay using cookie cutters. After drying, you can decorate the cut-outs with half-beads to your taste.
Reindeer pompon decoration from pine cones
Turn pine comes into Christmas decorations. Stick pompons of different colors onto the pine cones or create a reindeer face with them – this is how Christmas becomes colorful.
Video: Tie-dye T-shirt with Inktense blocks
Derwent Inktense blocks dry waterproof after coming in contact with water, making them suitable for fabric as well as paper! Watch the video to see how to tie-dye a t-shirt with them.
Šabloonitehnika Marabu alkoholitindiga
Alkoholitintidega muutub šabloonidega töötamine põnevaks väljakutseks, mis pakub uudseid ja ainulaadseid tulemusi! Erilises šabloontehnikas saad luua väga paeluva ja mitmekihilise tausta, mis annab silmapaistva aktsendi su teosele ning erksad värvid muudavad tintidega saavutatud loomingu eriti säravaks.
Täpid Marabu alkoholitindiga
Alkoholitintide kasutamine on lõbus viis kunsti tegemiseks! Tilgutades erinevaid toone alkoholitinti, liiguvad need paberil laiali ja lükkavad esimesi värve või siis hoopis segunevad üksteisega. Extender meediumiga saab aga luua värvituid ringe tumedate servadega ning tekitada põnevaid kontraste. Värvid liikumises!