
Art 101: An introduction to charcoal as a drawing medium

Charcoal has been a staple drawing medium for centuries, renowned for its rich tonal range, deep black tones and smooth mark-making capabilities. This simple tool can be used to create intricate details as well as lush shades that make works dynamic and expressive. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a beginner keen to explore different media, the versatility of charcoal can open up new creative possibilities.

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Art 101: an in-depth introduction to graphite pencils

Graphite pencils are an essential tool in any artist’s toolkit, as well as a staple in school classrooms, offices and studios around the world. Graphite pencils offer versatility and precision from fine detail to detailed technical drawings. But what exactly makes a graphite pencil so unique? In this post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about graphite pencils, from their history and composition to their uses and types.

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Ten tips for using coloursoft pencils

Derwent Coloursoft pencils are extra-soft wax-based colour pencils with strong, bright colours that bring a wonderful sparkle to your work. Their velvety softness encourages layer-upon-layer blending of tones, bringing new tonalities to your work. Here are ten tips for using Coloursoft pencils.

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Inktense’i ja akvarellpliiatsite erinevused

Kui valite oma armsasse pliiatsikarpi pliiatseid, polegi alati lihtne aru saada kõigi pliiatsite omadustest, eriti kuna Derwenti tootevalik on nõnda lai ja mitmekesine. Näiteks on raske vahet teha Inktense’i akvarellpliiatsi ja traditsioonilise akvarellpliiatsi seerial. Nii et kui soovid luua akvarellišedöövrit või luua julget värvimängu Inktense’iga, siis aitab see blogi just neid erinevusi mõista.

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Derwent Graphik Line Painter marker

Tutvume uue markerite tootesarjaga – Derwent Graphik Line Painter. Graphik Line Painter on vee baasil pigmendi sisaldusega marker, mille jooned on koheselt lahutuvad veega, kuid kuivanult veekindlad. Markerites on vedel kattev värv ja see ei sisalda lahustit. Marker on 0.5mm jaapani ehk viltotsaga. Graphik markeri toonid on väga erksad ning seda ka tumedal taustal kasutades.

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