Matchboxes Rayher - 1/4
Matchboxes Rayher - 2/4 Matchboxes Rayher - 3/4 Matchboxes Rayher - 4/4

Matchboxes Rayher


These matchboxes can store small treasures and are ideal as personalized little gift boxes, also ideal for Advent calendars. Why not write and paint on them with acrylic markers or use stylish washi tapes to give them the right character. Turn them into a unique Advent calendar that’s exciting and fun!

02RY67368576 4006166301438 Matchboxes Rayher 11x6.5x2cm 6pcs black Matchboxes Rayher 11x6.5x2cm 6pcs black
Availability in stores
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze2
  • Kalamaja Skizze9
  • Tartu Skizze5
  • E-Shop / Wholesale
7.35 1.23/pcs Add to Cart