Masking tape mt Miroslav Sasek

Masking tape mt Miroslav Sasek

mt masking tape mt x artist series

Japanese masking tape made of Japanese Washi paper which you can use for decorating whatever you like from boxes to cards, dishes to furniture. Can be used in different surfaces such as paper, wood, metal, porcelain, glass etc. Thanks to the history of making industrial masking tapes, mt masking tape is high quality – strong while extremely thin. Excellent adhesiveness makes the tape stick, at the same time it can be removed easily without leaving any trace.
Miroslav Sasek was born on November 18, 1916 in Prague, in what was the Czechoslovakia. Picture book author and illustrator, he is famous for a series of books titled “This is” which illustrated world cities from the viewpoint of a playful mind. “This is New York” published in 1960 was awarded the New York Times best illustrated book of the year and the best juvenile literature book by the U.S. Youth Club.

TBD 02MTMIRO04Z0 4971910208700 Masking tape mt Miroslav Sasek 23mmx10m this is New York Masking tape mt Miroslav Sasek 23mmx10m this is New York
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  • Tallinn Skizze2
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