Compass Maped No415 - 1/3
Compass Maped No415 - 2/3 Compass Maped No415 - 3/3

Compass Maped No415


Maped N°415 is a technical compass set that meets the highest demands in terms of precision and reliability. Articulated connections ensure line stability and accuracy. The maximum diameter of the circle with the extension adapter is 52cm. The set also includes a smaller compass with screw-adjustable legs offering the user greater precision. Perfect for students and professionals who value a high-quality and durable compass.

Set contains:
– Maped classic technical compass
– Maped screw-adjustable compass
– leg extension
– writing instrument holder
– 2 spare screws
– spare leads
– durable box for storing compasses

TBD 221780020000 3154141780028 Compass Maped No415 6-piece case Compass Maped No415 6-piece case
Availability in stores
  • Estonia
  • Tallinn Skizze3
  • Kalamaja Skizze2
  • Tartu Skizze1
  • E-Shop / Wholesale
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